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Dharma Talks
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2025-02-06 La pleine conscience permet la sagesse 55:15
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite au centre Mudita en Suisse

2025-02-06 Une autre façon d’aborder la réalité 52:41
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite au centre Mudita en Suisse

2025-02-05 Awakening in a Time of Turmoil 67:08
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore the nature of awakening. In the first 2/3 of the talk, we examine the traditional notion of awakening, as going beyond the habitual constructions of experience in all the parts of our lives. These constructions are rooted in reactivity (grasping and pushing away aspects of our experience), and a sense of self along with a world of objects known conceptually (through "signs"). We look also at the more positive sense of awakening to the "signless, boundless, and all luminous," to what the Thai Forest teacher Ajahn Mun calls the "primal mind." Then we ask about whether there are other dimensions to awakening needed for contemporary awakening, and examine in particular what awakening means in a time of turmoil. We take Thich Nhat Hanh as an exemplar--a practitioner dedicated to awakening practicing and teaching amidst the turmoil of war and exile. We outline a number of suggestions and guidelines for those practicing and awakening amidst the current turmoil.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2025-02-05 Guided Meditation: Exploring Some Further Ways We Construct Experience 35:51
Donald Rothberg
We start with basic instructions in developing (1) concentration and stability, and (2) mindfulness, and then practice developing these two qualities. With mindfulness practice, we notice the main patterns of thoughts, emotions, and bodily experience. In the second half of the session, we work with being aware of the feeling-tone (linked with the Second Foundation of Mindfulness), noticing moderate (or somewhat greater) pleasant or unpleasant feeling-tones, and what occurs after we notice them. We also attend for a short period of two minutes to the moment-to-moment feeling tones of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral, and then go back to basic mindfulness practice for the last part of the session.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2025-02-02 The Gradual Path (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:51
Devon Hase
Teachings on entering the gradual training: Sila, Dana, Bhavana, Pañña. Stories, poems, the works.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat

2025-02-02 Exploring feeling tones along with some guidance 40:28
Vinny Ferraro
You may find this talk - pleasant, unpleasant or neutral
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Peace in Presence: A Four-Night Retreat for All - 25JH

2025-02-02 Morning Instructions, breath and body 64:54
JoAnna Hardy
Short talk and 30 min. guided meditation on the first foundation of mindfulness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Peace in Presence: A Four-Night Retreat for All - 25JH

2025-02-01 How to tend to suffering and resistance 45:44
Vinny Ferraro
Exploring the nature of suffering and how to not make things harder than they already are.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Peace in Presence: A Four-Night Retreat for All - 25JH

2025-02-01 Embodying Peace Part 1 2:17:59
Andrea Castillo, Dawn Neal
The First Four Principles ~Settling Sit ~Teachings on Individualism and Community ~Teachings on the Six Principles of Cordiality ~Guided Meditation (Bio break- not recorded) ~Lightly Guided Meditation: Generosity and Metta ~Teachings on Metta (Lovingkindness) ~Teachings on Generosity ~Lightly Guided Meditation (Ritual - not recorded)
Insight Santa Cruz Embodying Peace: A Daylong Retreat on the 6 Principles of Cordiality

2025-01-30 The Antidote to Fear: Practicing in Uncertain Times 51:41
James Baraz
It seems like many are feeling either a low-level anxiety or fear these days. Fear about their safety, about disasters like fire or floods, about what the future holds. While this is natural and understandable, when our minds get hijacked by fearful thoughts, it is almost impossible to have a wise or appropriate response. In this talk we explore practicing and skillfully working with fear so that it can transform into courage, compassion and wisdom.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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