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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
2018-03-29 Spacious and Attentive and Not-self - Guided Meditation 42:48
Wide awareness present with the unfolding. Not being identified allows for equanimity's greater intimacy.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya 2018
2018-03-28 Revealing Awareness Here and Now - Guided Meditation 38:15
Noticing what it means to be here and now, and how we can open awareness to this, and then expand into a vaster yet more intimate perspective.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya 2018
2018-03-27 Presence, Space and Attending to Contraction - Guided Meditation 40:04
Dukkha is revealed by, and has the nature of, contraction. What happens when we're present to that, and open around it.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya 2018
2018-03-26 Patience, Returning, Impermanence - Guided Meditation 40:13
Gathering ourselves into the present unfolding, and considering the nature of arising and passing phenomena, to see what effect that has on experience.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya 2018
2018-03-26 Breath Energy Unification - Guided Meditation 41:12
Developing samatha - calm collectedness - for beneficial inner contentment, or further insight exploration.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya 2018
2018-03-18 Dependent Origination 60:46
In celebration of
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya 2018
2018-03-16 Mind Not in a State 53:51
The mutual dependencies in the arising mind moment. Then looking at skilful means in relation to the intellect and the arising and passing of both harmful and helpful thoughts.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya 2018
2018-03-14 Radical and Gradual 43:08
How the path unfolds; radical shifts supporting our gradual development.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya 2018
2018-01-21 Three Characteristics Views - Guided Meditation 43:09
Guided meditation exploring the insight practice of viewing arising and passing phenomena through the liberating lens of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-self.
SanghaSeva Anandwan 2018
2018-01-14 Immeasurable at Work 39:30
Starting the Anandwan Work Retreat where we will bring compassion into our work with the leprosy affected and other peoples outcast from their families and societies. Reflections on fabrication of self and world, and how to bring the immeasurable Brahma Viharas into a skilful way of perceiving.
SanghaSeva Anandwan 2018

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