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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
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2024-08-22 Instructions - Gently Arriving and Meeting Well 58:03
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty; Cultivating a Fearless Heart
2024-08-21 Meeting the Human Condition 27:42
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty; Cultivating a Fearless Heart
2024-08-16 Instructions - Metta to Subtle Aggregates 58:17
Gaia House Empowering Kindness
2024-08-15 Talk - Unidentified Flying Kindness 42:51
Gaia House Empowering Kindness
2024-08-14 Instructions - Sublime Attitude for Subtle Conditioning 52:29
Gaia House Empowering Kindness
2024-08-13 Talk - Giving Our All to Kindness 43:24
Gaia House Empowering Kindness
2024-08-12 Guided Meditation - Metta Radiant All Around 42:50
Gaia House Empowering Kindness
2024-08-11 Instructions - Expanding into Goodwill 50:36
Gaia House Empowering Kindness
2024-08-10 Talk - Freeing Kindness 38:49
Gaia House Empowering Kindness
2024-08-03 The Me in Mettā Matters 1:16:18
Exploring the contradistinctions between the not-self strategy and radiant goodwill to all beings. And how we can put more of our personal care into the practice. Based on an insight from Thānissaro Bhikku in Good Mind, Good Heart. This Online Dharma Hall session includes a Guided Meditation, a Dharma Talk, and responses to unrecorded questions.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - August 2024

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