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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
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2018-12-17 Instructions - Anatta, Non-Identification 49:11
Gaia House Awakening Wisdom, Joy and Peace
2018-12-16 Anatta - Beyond Fixed Views 47:27
Gaia House Awakening Wisdom, Joy and Peace
2018-12-15 Guided Metta to Neutral and Challenging Relationships 42:53
Gaia House Awakening Wisdom, Joy and Peace
2018-12-15 Instructions - Meeting the Breath as Energy 1:12:25
Gaia House Awakening Wisdom, Joy and Peace
2018-12-14 A Path of Metta and Insight 44:48
Gaia House Awakening Wisdom, Joy and Peace
2018-12-07 An Appropriate Response 44:57
Emptiness doesn't imply detachment, or that another's suffering doesn't matter. Understanding emptiness and Dependent Origination liberates love from self-concern, and opens wise ways to interact with and change the world. "The Sūtra says that outer things are not at all real – it is the mind that manifests in various ways. This teaching that dismisses outer forms was only a device to counteract the strong attachment that we have to things." –Chandrakīrti
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Everything Leans–Interconnection and Emptiness on the Path of Freedom
2018-12-06 Mettā Pervades Awareness 41:37
Opening the sense of awareness and letting it have the flavour of kind welcoming to all phenomena.
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Everything Leans–Interconnection and Emptiness on the Path of Freedom
2018-12-05 Everything Changes But You 41:08
Some very obvious things need to be looked at with more honest clarity; One of those is our sense of self. It just seems so obvious, practically undeniable, that “I am”. Yet a separate self is impossible to find; what a paradox.
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Everything Leans–Interconnection and Emptiness on the Path of Freedom
2018-12-04 Vedanā - Meditation Instruction 48:10
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Everything Leans–Interconnection and Emptiness on the Path of Freedom
2018-12-03 Anything Can Be a Hindrance or a Teaching 50:33
The 5 hindrances to deep ease are ways of looking at and relating with the world. By adjusting our view and creatively participating in the fabrication of body-heart-mind we can get free of these common entanglements of dukkhā.
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Everything Leans–Interconnection and Emptiness on the Path of Freedom

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