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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
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2018-01-07 Dependently Arising 53:56
Initially exploring how passion and dispassion can both be held on the path of practice so it includes the fullness of life. And then exploring the arising of self and world through the lens of the map of dependent origination.
SanghaSeva Somnath 2018
2018-01-05 Empty Aggregates All the Way Down 56:20
SanghaSeva Somnath 2018
2018-01-03 A Chief Seattle Way of Looking 52:47
SanghaSeva Somnath 2018
2017-12-21 World of Mind 58:18
Maintaining the practice through all of life. Based on the Sutta; Two Sorts of Thinking; Dvedhāvitakka Sutta (MN 19).
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya Silent Retreat
2017-12-20 Guided Meditation Metta to Phenomena 45:04
Expanding metta practice from the usual other beings to phenomena itself. Based on Rob Burbea's work.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya Silent Retreat
2017-12-19 Metta Views Self-Views 57:44
How metta transcends self & other, and opens us to emptiness.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya Silent Retreat
2017-12-17 Unhindered and Glad 59:39
Meeting the Hindrance Factors with Awakening Factors.
SanghaSeva Dharmalaya Silent Retreat
2017-09-10 Heaven and Hell have Doors in Perception 54:55
Not about Aldous Huxley's great books, but an exploration of the proximity of those disparate states of being; heavenly moments and hellish ones. Exploring how our reactions to the unfolding experience of life in a wise and kind manner shape what we see. Not offered as a panacea but as a compassionate response that brings intimacy and potential to all of our lives.
SanghaSeva One Day Frome
2017-09-10 Introducing a Full and Easy Breath 44:15
Is it possible to breath into, through, and with all aspects of our experience?
SanghaSeva One Day Frome
2017-08-11 Engaged Emptiness 57:39
SanghaSeva Ekuthuleni

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