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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jaya Rudgard's Dharma Talks
Jaya Rudgard
Jaya Karen Rudgard began meditating in the 1980s and practiced for eight years as a nun in the Theravada tradition with Ven. Ajahn Sumedho. A graduate of the IMS/Spirit Rock Teacher Training, she teaches insight meditation and mindfulness in the UK and internationally.
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2022-06-21 Dharma Talk 46:59
Images of the practice: the metaphors of the path, the stream the raft and the garden. How different images contribute to our understanding of what we are doing.
Gaia House Creative, Living Dharma: practising with the similes of the Buddha
2022-06-21 Morning Instructions 56:41
Anapanasati (mindfulness of breathing) and the simile of the wood turner: how we relate to our meditation object.
Gaia House Creative, Living Dharma: practising with the similes of the Buddha
2022-05-24 The Experience of Dukkha 48:11
How dukkha is a natural feature of life. When we learn to decondition reactivity, it becomes a gateway to freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Refuge, Finding Home: A Retreat in Nature
2022-04-09 Dharma Talk : Passivity and Activity 30:09
What are we doing on retreat, and why? Reflections on how times of retreat are relevant to the whole of our life.
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites
2022-04-07 Instructions & Lightly Guided Meditation 51:03
Feeling tone (vedana), reactivity and spaciousness.
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites
2022-04-06 Dharma Talk: The Experience of "Selfing" - Finding a Middle Way. 45:35
How can we navigate through the extremes we encounter in experiencing and perceiving "ourself"? Can we let all parts belong, none of it ‘me’ or ‘not me’ ?
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites
2022-04-06 Instructions & Guided Meditation 53:01
Softening the mind's tendency to polarise: the cultivation of friendliness and good will as an antidote to reactivity.
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites
2021-09-07 Loving Kindness (Metta) Practice - Radiating to the Ten Directions 44:59
Gaia House
2021-08-07 Dharma Talk: Karma and Finding a Purpose in the Chaos of Life 49:12
Gaia House Inside-outside: the mystery of I, me, mine
2021-08-07 Chanting Together 14:58
Gaia House Inside-outside: the mystery of I, me, mine

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