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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
John Travis's Dharma Talks
John Travis
After thirty-five years of experience around the dharma, with eight of these years in Asia, I am still deeply inspired, as a teacher, by students' progress with the practice. I see the questioning I do with myself reflected in others. The infinite loop of my practice and my teaching becomes a self-fulling prophecy. As I see others letting go of old baggage, it inspires me to continue questioning myself.
2011-05-20 The Teeter-Totter of Awakening 49:07
An exploration of the seven factors of awakening, especially the balance of the arising and calming factors.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center May Insight Meditation Retreat
2011-05-16 Caught in the Storm of the First Day 48:21
Starts with one of John's poems describing the currents that push and pull us as we begin this journey -- coupled with one of his India stories from 40 years ago..
Spirit Rock Meditation Center May Insight Meditation Retreat
2011-03-27 Dharma Has Touched These Bones 60:36
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retereat
2011-03-21 Sweetness of Equanimity 57:04
This talk is about the importance and central place of equanimity, in the Buddhist path towards emptyness and awakening
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retereat
2011-03-11 Exploring Faith 50:40
This talk explores faith within the context of the 5 spiritual faculties and also the 3 kinds of faith. Moving stories from the speaker's personal life are shared.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retereat
2010-12-22 Water-Rainy Season 42:27
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Solstice Retreat
2010-03-27 Ease Trust Heart 52:37
This talk explores our humanity/vulnerability and don't know.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March 2010 Month Long
2010-03-21 Leaning toward Freedom 53:13
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March 2010 Month Long
2010-03-13 The Eyes of Wisdom and the Heart of a Child 55:49
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March 2010 Month Long
2010-03-06 Dependent Co-Arising 54:15
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March 2010 Month Long

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