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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
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2021-06-12 Showing Up (Vīrya) 69:38
Vīrya appears second in the list known as the Four Bases of Success. Some translate it as perseverance: the willingness to keep showing up. So essential in our practice, in our lives, and in our times. A practice and dharma talk on this theme, offered in Gaia Houses Online Dharma Hall.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Jun 2021
2021-06-09 Path Making: A Transition and Continuation 37:40
A review of the practices, and ways we can keep them going, and developing onwards in new creative ways.
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World
2021-06-08 The All of the All is Fabricated 54:57
Maintaining a deep practice across the whole of our life is supported by wisdom and clear intention, and those are rooted well in an understanding of the dependent origination of dukkha and release.
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World
2021-06-08 Guided Equanimity Practice with Intro 42:33
The fourth of the brahmavihārās, Upekkhā, is a well rooted flexibility; a deeply steady openness; a kindly unshaken intimacy with all things.
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World
2021-06-07 Day 3 - Instructions: This is not Peaceful (A Dukkha Insight Way of Looking) 59:23
Noticing the unsatisfactory nature of all phenomena might sound bleak. But instead of ruminating on whether it is true or not, consider whether it is useful: notice if this lens of attention brings release and an ever deeper sense of freedom.
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World
2021-06-06 The Arrows of Dissatisfaction 46:09
=---> =---> =---> =---> =---> =---> =---> =--->
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World
2021-06-06 Guided Compassion Practice with Intro 43:29
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World
2021-06-05 Day 1 - Instructions: Attending to Present Experience 65:11
Establishing a mindful presence: relaxing and noticing; sustaining through interest; bringing in kindness and welcoming; enjoying unification.
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World
2021-06-04 Meeting Life Well 39:23
Opening the theme of the retreat. A sense of possibility to upgrade the default settings of the heart and mind. And find opportunity even in the challenges of the human condition, for more beauty, wisdom, and courage.
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World
2021-06-04 A Moment of Presence and Possibility 20:04
Establishing simple mindful presence as a foundation for more
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World

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