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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nathan Glyde's Dharma Talks
Nathan Glyde
Nathan Glyde has been practicing and studying meditation since 1997, and sharing teachings on retreats since 2007. In 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva whose retreats emphasise wisdom and compassion in ecological and humanitarian service.
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2021-07-11 Day 1 Instructions: A Calm, Deep, Spacious Attention 65:17
This instruction has a live translation into Czech that is not recorded, yet it might seem slow as Nathan waits for the translation to complete before offering the next sentence.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (With Long Silences Where Translation was)
2021-07-11 Day 1 Instructions: A Calm, Deep, Spacious Attention (Silence Trimmed) 27:30
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (Silences Edited Off)
2021-07-11 Day 1 Instructions: A Calm, Deep, Spacious Attention 1:33:15
This instruction has a live translation into Czech.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (With Czech Translation)
2021-07-10 Opening Meditation - Bright Mind, Open Heart 50:05
This simple guided meditation for presence and intimacy with life, has a live translation into Czech that is not recorded, yet it might seem slow as Nathan waits for the translation to complete before offering the next guidance.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (With Long Silences Where Translation was)
2021-07-10 Opening Meditation - Bright Mind, Open Heart 43:31
This simple guided meditation for presence and intimacy with life, has a live translation into Czech.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (With Czech Translation)
2021-07-10 Opening Talk - Bright Mind, Open Heart 39:29
Introducing the theme of the retreat: insight, samatha (calm-aliveness) and metta. This talk has a live translation into Czech that is not recorded, yet it might seem slow as Nathan waits for the translation to complete before offering the next sentence.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (With Long Silences Where Translation was)
2021-07-10 Opening Talk - Bright Mind, Open Heart (Silence Trimmed) 14:47
Introducing the theme of the retreat: insight, samatha (calm-aliveness) and metta.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (Silences Edited Off)
2021-07-10 Opening Talk - Bright Mind, Open Heart 45:28
Introducing the theme of the retreat: insight, samatha (calm-aliveness) and metta. This talk has a live translation into Czech.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (With Czech Translation)
2021-07-03 Empowerment of Investigating 1:19:56
4th exploration of the bases of success: prior ones are in the: Online Dharma Hall - Jun 2021 'retreat album'. This final one explores vīmaṁsa the skilful analysis of experience to develop deeper well-being and freedom on the path of practice. Each exploration stands alone, as well as being part of a series.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Jul 2021
2021-06-20 Empowerment of Aspirational Intentionality 1:22:31
Continuing the theme of Bases of Success. An Online Dharma Hall session with a guided meditation and dharma talk, and some responses to questions in the hall (the questions are not recorded for privacy reasons, but are explained if not explicit in the response).
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Jun 2021

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