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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-09-19 Connecting Inner and Relational Practice with Judgments 65:00
Donald Rothberg
After a further investigation of how to practice when core limiting beliefs linked to judgments are activated, we examine four ways to bring our judgments practices into relational contexts, ending with a song.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Transforming the Judgmental Mind

2013-09-19 How To Have An Enlarged Heart 59:16
Mary Grace Orr
Exploring Ways of Creating a Wise and Spacious Heart
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2013-09-19 Guided Meditation - Part 5: Bile, Phelgm, Pus, Blood, Sweat, Fat 36:30
Mary Grace Orr
Meditating on the Body - Part 5: Bile, Phelgm, Pus, Blood, Sweat, Fat
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2013-09-18 Doubt and Aversion: Two of the Five Hindrances 60:39
Joseph Goldstein
How to recognize and work with these common hindrances
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-18 Part 1 - Entering the Wilderness 1:21:51
Tara Brach
On all spiritual paths, we journey into the inner wilderness to discover the nature of nature - the truth of who we are. The entry is through bringing a kind and full presence to the life of our bodies. These two talks explore the conditioning that leads us to dissociation, and the blessings of full aliveness, open heartedness and wisdom that arise when we come home to embodied presence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2013-09-18 Who Suffers and who is Free 45:39
Bob Stahl
An exploration of the causes of suffering and the breaking free of the conditioned self.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2013-09-18 Guided Meditation on the 32 BodyParts: Part 4 38:56
Mary Grace Orr
Meditation on the body. Large Intestines, Small Intestines, Stomach, Feces, Brain.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation

2013-09-18 Spiritual Urgency – Samvega 58:53
Marcia Rose
What brings us to spiritual practice? What has moved, inspired and urged you to find a clear and wholesome ‘other way’ than feeling overrun with old reactive habit patterns of sadness, fear, attachment, anger, and confusion.? Samvega is the movement of the heart/an inner response towards an urgency to practice and an urgency to awaken.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-09-18 Walking The Path 57:06
Pamela Weiss

2013-09-18 Dialogue: Sylvia Boorstein and Toni Bernhard; On Waking Up 56:22
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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