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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2016-06-14 Puja - Being with the "I Am" 23:31
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-14 Evening Q&A - Mindfulness and Viveka, Somatic Practices, Being with Rather Than Identification 54:44
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-15 Dhamma Talk on Being With 62:06
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-16 Dhamma Talk - Self, Non-Self and the Measureless Qualities 47:12
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-16 Puja - Arising with Boundless Heart 35:02
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-25 I Is a Movement 48:49
The average person operates under the assumption they are a person having experiences. If we look more deeply, we recognize it’s just experience, and experience creates the sense of a person having experiences. The ‘I’ who does things is the movement of kamma. ‘Myself’ is the results of what I hold into – what I incline to becomes the fundamental quality of ‘me.’
2016-09-10 Embodied Presence is Always Here 17:05
Intro & Guided Meditation: Embodiment is not the visual or notional form of the body, but a domain of sensations, pressures, temperatures, and movements. When attention is turned to this embodied experience and we relax what doesn't need to be activated, calm and sensitivity are naturally generated.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-10 Let Nature Take Its Course - Don't Interfere 46:29
When we project forward into an imagined future – a "tele-reality" – this interferes with our natural sanity. When this tele-program is unplugged, empathy, ethical sense, and wisdom grow.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-10 The Body's Intelligence 28:29
Standing Meditation: The body has an intelligence that can't be figured out by the mind. It can find the place of least stress and effort, and establish balance. In this way, embodiment moderates the mind.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-10 Ground, Balance and Wholeness 33:10
Guided Sitting Meditation: (Guidance begins at 10 min, and then again at 25 min) Ask the body to align and find balance, then allow it to happen through vitality versus will power. Look for wholeness with regards to physical pain: rather than splitting into a 'me' who has a stiff shoulder – can it be included?
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-10 Embodiment as Basic Sanity 34:59
We can use the body as a means to pause from immediate reactions and perceptions. From this place we can extend, allowing a shift so that something more compassionate, spacious, and authentic can arise.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-10 Tuning in to the Soft Intelligence of the Body 55:14
Guided Meditation Body: When the held places in the body relax, energy shifts into a receptive state where many fine intelligences exist. Experiment with the power and gift of energies in the hands.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-10 Walking with Nowhere to Go 5:05
Walking Meditation Instructions: Customarily, walking is about 'getting somewhere', but in walking meditation there's nowhere to go. Widen the perceptual field like a bubble and tune into how the body walks.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-11 Returning to Our Natural State 42:59
Intro & Guided Meditation: Embodiment is a touchstone for deep sanity where we come back to our fundamental senses. It is a domain we cannot be separated from, though we separate ourselves from it.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-11 Subjective Reality Is the Place for Liberation 39:43
In the world of systems, life is explained, and measured in terms of objectivity. This reality results in the experience of division and stress. In subjective reality there is direct feeling and experiencing of life through embodiment. Everything is met and integrated. This is the reality to be experienced, cultivated and cleared for ultimate liberation.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-11 The Realm of Subtle Form 33:20
Standing Meditation: Find balance, where least effort is needed. From the soles of the feet, begin to sweep awareness up into the legs, belly, chest, head until each piece merges into an undivided whole that is rhythmically breathing. This is the realm of subtle form.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-11 How to Use Sitting Time Wisely 14:47
Guided Sitting Meditation: (Brief instructions given in first two minutes.) Touch ground, and begin to sense the body subjectively. Avoid too much language, being suggestive rather than technically accurate. Tune into the quality of it all binding together, affecting itself.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-11 Citta - Our Liberation Potential 29:29
We possess enough wisdom to review kamma and work through it. The process begins with noticing the effects on citta – that which makes up my subjective world – and meeting resulting feelings. Feelings that are felt, mindfully held, can be surmounted through wisdom and released.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-11 Space Walking 4:41
Walking Meditation Instructions: As we settle in to walking meditation, something starts to flow. Details merge into a sense of ease, pliability and motility, all of which help us meet potentially difficult topics.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-09-12 Intro and Guided Meditation: We Are a Conversation 46:18
The holding of silence on this retreat can allow us to listen to subtler conversations, emotional and bodily, not just verbal. Meditation through the body supports listening in to the non-verbal conversations within as we give attention to what's being communicated through direct experience.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-13 The Stilling of Sankhara 63:20
Sankhara can be thought of as programs, the root program resulting in the fundamental subject-object division. In meditation there can be a re-programming, a still g of sankhara, making way for a more peaceful and pure state of being.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-13 Taking Care with What Is Brought to Mind 1:27:48
(Starts with standing meditation; ends with sitting meditation.) Verbal language and thought conception are very quick and dynamic, always generating more. The potential for becoming tangled and overwhelmed is great, so care should be taken with what is brought to mind.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-13 Natural Intelligence of the Body 26:48
Tune into the natural intelligence of the body, starting with the hands, allowing them to "find" and "know" each other. In walking, notice how natural walking is more circular, like walking in a space bubble. Find the body's natural expression when walking within that bubble.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-14 Calming the Body with Breathing 33:04
In and out breathing has the potential to smooth out and calm the body's energy field. Use the thinking mind to point to and stay with the energy of the breath. The affective sense (citta) will respond by becoming more settled and bright. Unifying the mind, body and citta in this way is the samadhi process.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-14 The Unbinding of Sankhara 1:15:04
Reality gets constructed almost automatically, like magnetically being pulled into being. That pull comes from sankhara; it's the dynamic that binds, so it also unbinds.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-14 Guided Meditation: Held by Ground 31:54
When we're on the move, ground can feel fragile and shaky. We can absorb into the ground beneath us that is given and welcomes us. Notice the sensations and mental tones as you relax and rest into being held.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-15 The Floods of Contact 43:21
Contact is not a small matter - it can trigger a flood of perceptions and unskillful responses. These triggers can be found and unplugged through a practice of grounded embodiment and skillful attention and engagement.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-15 The Kamma of Meditation 60:05
Through the kamma of meditation we have the possibility to potentize agreeable and pleasant states in our own minds. Self tendencies can be relaxed so the beauty of the natural mind can come through.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-15 The Wellspring of Citta 1:32:14
(Begins with 30 min guided meditation) With self view there is a tendency to meet experience with pre-formed responses of who I am, why they are, and what's needed. Orienting around citta allows a more natural and spontaneous response, one where empathy and preciousness are infused in intentions and actions.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-09-16 Dependent Origination 1:14:00
Dependent origination offers another map to understand how sankhara is configured.
The Karuna Institute :  Creative Formations - Sankhara
2016-11-10 Outline of structures for retreat 14:32
There is a need for healthy structures to replace the defective structures of the socially-generated self.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-11 Acknowledgement of Fields 56:27
Experience arises as ‘fields’ – for example the visual field. Skilful fields – ‘places’ to dwell in - are necessary and can be generated - for example the moral field, the devotional / sacred field and the embodied field.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-11 Strengthening the bodily field through standing 22:18
A standing meditation to cultivate a unified, stable and strong bodily field.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-12 Chanting: the movement into harmony 10:43
Chanting is trans-rational - it’s not just what it means but what it does. By incorporating the body’s emotionally sensitive energies, and by attuning to others, it brings us to harmony.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-12 Fields and forms – the play of consciousness 43:56
From awareness in the field of sense data, consciousness selects an object. That process generates a subject. In the split between subject and object, demons arise. The true subject has no object, and cannot be tracked. This is presence, awareness.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-13 Puja as practice. 11:51
The use of chanting, ritual and devotional practice to attune the citta to the field of shared aspiration
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-13 A firm foothold 45:23
Dhamma is a wheel of factors that incline towards awakening. ‘World’ is a wheeling of factors that go nowhere useful. Place a firm footing on the Dhamma through the five indriya.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-14 Keeping it fresh 26:57
Beginning a day, beginning anything, requires openness, letting go of the known. Reorient the mind through deep attention.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-14 Breaking through the web 63:12
Existence is an ongoing arising of dynamic and interdependent factors. We both arouse and support skilful ones and break through the obsessive and deluded ones.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-14 dep. Origination, feeling, craving 12:12
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-14 chanting Vipassana – bhumi – patho 12:33
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-15 Firming up confidence 14:53
The actions of body, voice and heart can align to one’s aspiration. This gives rise to the inner strength of faith. This is knowable through aware intelligence.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-15 Wiser than we think 58:49
The graduated ripening of conditions that support Awakening is to be studied – but it is led by an intelligence that is subtler than reason.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-15 Q & A - Embodiment and its intelligence 64:48
Brief description of talk: Responses on embodiment, safety, right effort, mindfulness. Samadhi and wisdom.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-16 Asava and Careful Attention 66:10
(from Majjhima Nikaya 2) Ignorance in action is asava, outflow-mind. Careful/wise/deep attention is a key to its stopping.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-16 Q & A Consciousness and citta, metta as field 60:01
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-17 Generating the Three Forms 38:01
Three forms: body, heart and thought generated through various dhamma practices support each other.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-19 Shaping the world through perception. 59:46
Distorted ways of preceiving lead to a lot of suffering. Understanding the conditionality of perception opens up the possibility of practicing with a different perception and creative ways
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-19 chanting 14:16
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-20 Suitable Effort 50:54
The energy of practice has to avoid the pitfalls of tanha (craving) but maintain chanda (motivation). Mindfulness and clear comprehension find what is suitable (sappaya).
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-20 Orientation around the midline – a standing meditation 51:12
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-21 Removal of asava (outflow/taint/leakage) 58:38
The removal of these dynamic forms of ignorance is dependent on deep attention, mindfulness and comprehension, restraint and wisdom.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-22 The clinging reflex and where to break it 47:18
Upadana (clinging) is a reflex, not a rational choice. It can be released at the point where perception (sanna) triggers reaction (sankhara), through widening attention.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-22 Q & A: Dependent origination, ease, lightness of attention 1:16:48
Explanation of dependent origination; how to weaken and sever the link between feeling and craving; value of spiritually based feeling; quality of applied thought and evaluation; domain of insight and dispassion.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-23 The process of practice 14:39
Practice is less a matter of doing it and more a process of selection and establishing supportive conditions. These are sourced in association with good people.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-23 Guided meditation: What is needed? 13:08
Drop the question into the embodied mind (citta) like dropping a penny down a well. What is the shiver of response?
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-24 Deep/wise/careful attention and holistic awareness. 58:16
Deep/wise/careful attention opens holistic awareness. The response to any impression forms a ‘sign’. This guides mindfulness and samadhi.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-24 Q & A 38:19
Standards for daily life; the stress of planning; yoga and qi gong
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-27 Consciousness, latent tendencies and true response. 65:35
To respond to what arises is important – how to avoid blind reactions? Citta, core presence, can be accessed through mindfulness. When it is stable, a true response arises.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-27 Enriching embodied space: Guided Meditation 44:41
A series of themes to support a rich, blessed state of mind.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-28 Morning Reflection 54:15
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-29 Entering Sangha: a reflection 8:25
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-29 Relational Fields and Satipatthana 52:07
Mindfulness of mind is the ability to hold the range of mind states in the field of mind so that dispassionate presence is realized. This ‘holding’ is not grasping any phenomenon as a real thing, more relating to it as a potential citta characteristic.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-29 Chanting Vipassana-Bhumi-Patho 5:39
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-30 Q & A 1:12:32
Intention; attention; potencies; self-criticism; metta; consciousness; faith in what?
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-11-30 The Four Boundless Qualities 3:48
Pali chanting
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 2
2016-12-01 Faith: sustained wonder 16:12
Open to the field of experience; avoid conclusions sustain presence.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-01 Waves and Fields - no self 46:41
Dhammas are wave-like qualia rather than things. They are conditionally arisen. With dispassionate mindfulness they can subside. They need not define or belong to anyone.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-03 Samadhi – absorbing the sweet spot 49:52
In mindfulness, body teaches us what mindfulness is. When we steadily incline towards sensitive simplicity and getting comfortable – and absorb that, the result is samadhi.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-03 Chanting Fire Sermon 12:16
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-04 Meeting the Problem 40:16
Rather than immediately thinking, or trying to think of a solution, it’s more skillful to refer to embodiment and establish dispassion.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-05 Reflective meditation on gladdening and steadying the heart 52:18
A guided series of themes based to bring to mind and dwell upon, to support a skillful mental basis.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-05 Q & A 67:17
Dependant origination; bramavihara; strengthening citta; how to deal with a quiet mind; how to deal with obsessive thinking; right speech.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-06 Relationships & Differentiation 63:30
Experience manifests in terms of ‘fields’. Opening and holding a field (such as the bodily field) with mindfulness brings harmony. Conflicts can be relaxed, self-positions abandoned. This is also a model for relationships with other people.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-07 Four basis of clinging 60:25
Clinging is a mechanism that generates a sense of self. It is conditioned by craving and can be noticed and released in terms of: sense pleasure, becoming, systems and customs, and notions of self.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-08 Establishing ‘the Temple’ through Puja & reflection 26:30
Puja, reflections and evening chanting in English
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-09 Morning Chanting in Pali 12:38
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-09 Every moment is a Dhamma door 19:07
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-09 Precepts and Forgiveness 17:11
(refuges and precepts, final reflections and goodbye, metta chant)
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 10 to December 9 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2016-12-24 Willing to Make a Mistake 12:56
Ajahn Sucitto explains how we have to be willing to make mistakes in order to learn and understand. And we need to examine the fear we have of making mistakes.
Tisarana Buddhist Monastery :  Morning Meeting Offerings
2016-12-25 Entering the Place of the Buddha 12:45
Ajahn Sucitto suggests: when we enter a place of practice we are entering the place of the Buddha, the mind of the Buddha.
Tisarana Buddhist Monastery :  Morning Meeting Offerings
2016-12-25 Looking at the Face of the Mind 6:25
Ajahn Sucitto offers a short talk encouraging us to look at the face of the mind.
Tisarana Buddhist Monastery :  Morning Meeting Offerings
2016-12-26 Respect 13:16
Speaking on Respect, Ajahn Sucitto explores what it means to develop this wholesome attitude with ourselves and others.
Tisarana Buddhist Monastery :  Morning Meeting Offerings
2016-12-27 Following the Thread 11:35
In community we follow the thread of our varied interactions with others and do our best to skillfully respond to how the place of practice presents itself.
Tisarana Buddhist Monastery :  Morning Meeting Offerings
2016-12-28 Settling In 21:54
Suggestions for entering a retreat; settling into one’s current experience, orienting oneself to a new place
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-28 Guided Meditation: The Three Fields of Heart 21:03
Ajahn Sucitto encourages us to use the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha as a frame of reference, symbols for our minds
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-29 Guided Meditation: The Skill of Making Mistakes 39:42
A meditation to develop the ability to play, make mistakes, try again
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-29 Guided Standing Meditation 24:12
Ajahn Sucitto guides the retreatants in an introductory standing meditation
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-29 Establishing the Ground 57:27
Putting thoughts, goals and ideas into perspective; dropping into the body
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-29 Getting at the Mind and Into the Body 55:49
Developing skilful intentions and letting go of self-creating and self-judgment
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-30 A Skilful Use of Puja 34:36
Explanation of the devotional element of chanting and its uplifting quality, bringing forth reflection and stopping inner chatter
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-30 How to Train an Elephant 55:23
How to encourage the mind, dropping our need to know what happens next and our expectation of never being good enough; how to generate good will and how to breathe.
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-30 Q & A: Parami; Luang Por Chah; the Busy Mind 62:08
Ajahn Sucitto answers questions from the retreatants on various subjects, including patience, determination, and peace
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-31 Mindfulness and Experiencing a Living Being 58:29
A truly excellent exploration of mindfulness, what it’s about, and how to get our minds around it
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2016-12-31 Q&A: A Pearl of Hatred and the Phantom of Perception 56:40
Ajahn Sucitto answers questions on anger and revenge for past hurts; wholesome grieving; resistance to letting go of unskilful behaviours
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2017-01-01 Guided Meditation: Letting Go of the Meditator 47:57
How to maintain the meditation; in Ajahn Sucitto’s words, “meditation is easy – it’s the meditator that complicates everything”. File has been edited for audio quality.
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2017-01-01 Learning How to Operate at 5 Decibels 54:25
An explanation of hindrances and how they are conditioned by sense contact but amplified to fantastic proportions by shared social contact, “from 5 to 50 decibels”
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2017-01-01 Stopping the Spider on Amphetamines 64:22
Releasing ourselves from our habitual tendencies of compulsion, of having to do, and creating a resting place for the mind to pause
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2017-01-02 A Head with No Body 57:43
How to loosen the grip of the hindrances; realizing that we have a natural energetic body, and how seeing the body as an energy system can support our understanding of the Dhamma
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat
2017-01-02 Q&A: Taking Responsibility for our Practice 59:04
Ajahn Sucitto answers questions on sexual energy and fantasies; resistance to pain; feelings, memory and perception; planning and mental rehearsing / fantasizing
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat

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