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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Kim Allen's Dharma Talks
Kim Allen
Kim Allen has been practicing Insight meditation since 2003, and has trained intensively in the U.S. and Asia with cumulative years of silent retreat. She has practiced with primary teacher Gil Fronsdal and other Western teachers, Theravādan monastics, and a few Mahāyāna teachers, and now offers retreats, sutta study, and experiential Dharma engagement. A teacher and author, Kim aims to bring classical Dharma to a modern context and to encourage lay practitioners in fully living a life of Dharma. Her education includes a PhD in physics and a master’s degree in environmental sustainability, and her website is
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2020-07-03 In This Very Life -- 2020-07-03 58:02
Sutta Study -- Anatta-Lakkhana Sutta SN 22.59
Insight Santa Cruz
2020-07-01 Guided Meditation -- Gathering the Mind 20:46
Insight Santa Cruz
2020-07-01 Transforming the Analytical Mind -- session 5 1:23:34
Fifth of a six-part series
Insight Santa Cruz
2020-06-24 Guided Meditation -- the changing breath 19:33
Insight Santa Cruz
2020-06-24 Transformation of the Analytical Mind -- session 4 1:28:06
Insight Santa Cruz
2020-06-23 Training in Opposites 36:45
This talk focuses on a style of practice that could be called “training in opposites.” We deliberately engage contrasting functions of the mind in order to broaden and stretch, or opposing viewpoints in order to hone our understanding.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks
2020-06-20 Guided Meditation -- Trust 13:34
Insight Santa Cruz
2020-06-20 Growing Wisdom through Meditation -- session 3 2:01:04
Insight Santa Cruz
2020-06-17 Guided Meditation -- Attitude of Metta 16:44
Insight Santa Cruz
2020-06-17 Transformation of the Analytical Mind 3 1:20:35
Insight Santa Cruz

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