Cultivate awareness through mindfulness meditations and develop a compassionate orientation through heart opening practices. Teachings will focus on the integration of love and awareness so that mindfulness practice is fused with a kind, receptive presence.
Most of us know the feeling of self-consciousness when faced with a new situation or meeting new people.
How can we relax, just be ourselves and really enjoy the connection?
We’ll explore simple practices to allow our authentic self to shine through.
Join us for an evening of practice and dharma.
32 kinds of eyes– Flesh eyes and wisdom eyes. How to go beyond the forms to observe the four material elements, especially the air or wind element in the body
The conditions for this seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, to take place. The four nutriments for the body and mind: material nutriments, contact, and intention consciousness
Thoughts and beliefs are navigational maps that are not inherently true. Rather, some serve us and others cause feelings of separation, self-aversion and/or blame of others. We can free ourselves from harmful beliefs by investigating them with a dedicated, mindful and courage presence. This talk guides us in mindful investigation through an illustrative story, an outline of steps, and a guided meditation that addresses limiting beliefs surrounding interpersonal conflict.