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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Carol Wilson's Dharma Talks
Carol Wilson
What I most love in my teaching practice is seeing students become dedicated to their own liberation. As their spiritual practice matures, people light up from within when they begin to understand that personal freedom is possible. This commitment to freedom on the part of the student inspires me to find ways to express my deepest understanding and enthusiasm for liberation.
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1993-05-31 Closing Talk 58:44
1993-05-29 The Possibility Of Inner Contentment 50:56
opening to the fact that peace and happiness is available here and now
1993-04-14 Self no-Self 4:33:08
with Carol Wilson, Christina Feldman, Christopher Titmuss, Joseph Goldstein, Larry Rosenberg
1993-03-06 Foundations Of Practice 4:36:26
with Carol Wilson, James Baraz, Narayan Helen Liebenson, Steve Armstrong
1992-11-16 Reflections On Faith 54:36
The qualities of radical trust and acceptance that support our practice.
1992-11-01 Disentangling Your Thoughts 55:45
1992-10-23 The Nature Of Attachment 58:12
1992-10-09 Arousing And Stabilizing Interest 60:05
how can we learn to stabilize vividly awake awareness?
1992-09-24 Sila/Precepts Update 51:07
1992-06-19 Morning Instructions with Q&A through 6-20-92 45:46

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