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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Andrea Fella's Dharma Talks
Andrea Fella
Andrea Fella is the co-teacher at the Insight Meditation Center and the Insight Retreat Center. She has been practicing Insight Meditation since 1996, and teaching Insight Meditation since 2003. She is particularly drawn to intensive retreat practice, and has done a number of long retreats, both in the United States and in Burma. During one long practice period in Burma, she ordained as a nun with Sayadaw U Janaka. Andrea is especially drawn to the wisdom teachings of the Buddha. Her teachings emphasize clarity and practicality. Andrea is a member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, and teaches residential retreats for IMC and other retreat centers around the country
2014-09-22 Body and Mind 60:22
An exploration of mental and physical experience through the teaching of the aggregates
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1
2014-09-15 Unpacking Right Mindfulness 56:08
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1
2014-07-29 Intention, Motivation and Purpose 37:06
This talk was given as a part of the series "Where Rubber Meets the Road: A Series on Mindful Living." When we start to meditate, we notice how much our body and mind influence each other. In the teachings of the Buddha, he highlighted a quality of mind at which this point of connection between body and mind happens. It's a factor in the mind he called "intention" or "volition." Intention or volition is a mental urge that impels us to act. Every action that we do of body, of speech, of mind, has this impulse that precedes it. With practice, it is possible to see this urge or impulse. With an intention to act comes motivation -- the reason why we are going to do something or say something. The Buddha said that this is an interesting place to pay attention to, because when we are not aware of our motivations, our habits of mind (such as greed, aversion and delusion) are choosing our motivations for us, and often those habits are not so helpful. So at this moment of choice when we have this intention to act, the motivation that accompanies that intention is what will either lead us down the path towards more struggle in our lives, or lead us down the path towards more happiness in our lives.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Where Rubber Meets the Road: A Series on Mindful Living
2014-07-01 Where Rubber Meets the Road: A Series on Mindful Living 7:06:03
with Andrea Fella, David Cohn, Jason Murphy, Margaret Gainer, Matthew Brensilver, Misha Merrill, Robert Cusick, Shaila Catherine, Sharon Allen, Tony Bernhard
This series of talks provides insight and practical advice as to how to take the wonderful and serene mind that we develop during our meditation practice into our daily lives, into our relationships with others. Sometimes, the deepest grooves in our minds are only stimulated in our relationships to others. Defilements and habits of the mind, such as greed, anger and delusion, arise in ways that they don't in other situations. Fortunately, these daily life encounters offer us opportunities to practice, to see ourselves more clearly, and to become more free. This is the liberating power of awareness and mindfulness.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2014-02-18 Wising up to Delusion 65:48
An exploration of the ways delusion manifests in the mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month Long Retreat - 2014
2014-02-12 Morning Instructions: Day 11 18:25
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month Long Retreat - 2014
2014-02-11 The Disappearance and Reappearance of Mindfulness 60:00
Curiosity about how mindfulness disappears and reappears can open the mindfulness practice to new areas.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month Long Retreat - 2014
2014-02-05 Morning Instructions: Day 4 13:36
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month Long Retreat - 2014
2014-02-04 Understanding and Abandoning 59:19
A perspective on working with the hindrances...
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month Long Retreat - 2014
2013-11-27 The Experience of Feeling 58:31
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thanksgiving Insight Meditation Retreat

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