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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Tara Brach's Dharma Talks
Tara Brach
A pervasive but often invisible source of suffering in our culture is self-aversion. We are a busy culture, and we move through our life feeling anxious and dissatisfied, but not fully conscious of how we neglect or judge our inner experience. We suffer from a lack of belonging: to our own bodies, to each other and to the earth. When we practice Buddhist meditation, we learn how to listen deeply and hold our life tenderly.
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2014-10-26 The Portal of Fear (Retreat Talk) 64:08
Bringing presence to the contraction of fear is a universal part of spiritual awakening. This talk explores two interrelated pathways of opening to and transforming fear.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2014 IMCW Fall Retreat: Intimacy with Life
2014-10-26 Morning Meditation and Instruction 25:51
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2014 IMCW Fall Retreat: Intimacy with Life
2014-10-22 Part 2: Happiness 1:18:09
The Buddha said that he would not teach about happiness if it were not possible to realize this experience of peace and deep well-being. In this three part series, we explore two kinds of happiness - that which arises out of particular causes and the experience of “happy for no reason.” The talks examine the attachments that block happiness, ways to “gladden the mind,” and the liberating presence that naturally expresses as pure happiness. 
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-10-15 Part 1: Happiness 1:21:12
The Buddha said that he would not teach about happiness if it were not possible to realize this experience of peace and deep well-being. In this three part series, we explore two kinds of happiness - that which arises out of particular causes and the experience of “happy for no reason.” The talks examine the attachments that block happiness, ways to “gladden the mind,” and the liberating presence that naturally expresses as pure happiness. 
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-10-08 Part 2: Unconditional Love 64:14
These two talks explore key elements in manifesting our innate capacity for unconditional love. Both talks include teachings and meditative strategies for recognizing our blocks to loving, and, through courageous, embodied presence, discovering who we are when not confined by the limiting beliefs and feelings of an egoic self. The first focuses on accepting and embracing our inner life, and the second, on the awakening of a loving presence that includes the whole of this living world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-10-05 Engaged Buddhism 9:25:57
with Larry Yang, Ruth King, Tara Brach, Thanissara, Various
Applying the insights from meditation practice and dharma teachings to situations of social, political, environmental, and economic suffering and injustice. Contributions are offered by individual teachers, and organizations such as Buddhists for Racial Justice.
2014-10-05 Mindfulness and Climate Action : 1 1:13:52
with Jack Kornfield, Ruth King, Tara Brach, Thanissara
Thanissara with Tara Brach, Ruth King and Jack Kornfield.
In collection: Mindfulness and Climate Action
2014-10-01 Part 1: Unconditional Love 1:15:37
These two talks explore key elements in manifesting our innate capacity for unconditional love. Both talks include teachings and meditative strategies for recognizing our blocks to loving, and, through courageous, embodied presence, discovering who we are when not confined by the limiting beliefs and feelings of an egoic self. The first focuses on accepting and embracing our inner life, and the second, on the awakening of a loving presence that includes the whole of this living world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-09-24 Awakening from the Landlocked Self 1:22:22
The Buddha taught that our suffering arises from forgetting who we are. This talk explores the trance of identifying as Somebody, and the compassionate witnessing that allows us to discover the freedom of our natural being.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-09-17 (On Climate Change) Earth’s Crisis - On the Edge of the Roof 1:19:32
This talk views the ecological dis-ease of our planet through the lens of our evolutionary unfolding. We explore the egoic trance that has precipitated the destruction of our environment, and the inner practices of presence that enable us to respond from love and wisdom.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
In collection: One Earth Sangha

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