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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-02-26 Guided Meditation - Empty Awareness 41:55
Guy Armstrong
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

2013-02-23 Guided Metta Meditation 40:37
Kindness for self, loved one, neutral person, adversary and all beings. Buddha's words on loving kindness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center An Integrated Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2013-02-23 Divine Abiding Of Metta 37:23
Cultivating a mind that can meet adversity with loving kindness. Guided Metta meditation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center An Integrated Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2013-02-20 Mindfulness Of Feeling 38:11
Investigation of feeling and mind states. Wise reflection, not creating more pain. Guided meditation on feeling.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center An Integrated Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2013-02-19 Making Our Practice Even 38:48
Working with "orphans of consciousness" Guided breath/body meditation. Use of BUD-DHO mantra.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center An Integrated Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2013-02-09 Guided Meditation on Compassion 37:13
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight A Soft and Radical Transformation of the Heart

2013-02-03 Liberating Insight 34:49
Mark Nunberg
Guided Meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center

2013-01-18 Guided Metta Meditation 38:21
La Sarmiento
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2013 IMCW Women's Retreat: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation

2013-01-17 Campassion: Guided Meditation 38:41
Larry Yang
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat

2013-01-13 The Buddha's Path:Dharma Talk 34:24
Mark Nunberg
Guided Meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center

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