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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2020-11-02 10 meditation: beginning mindfulness of mind practice 20:14
Opening up the field of awareness from the body and breathing, to sounds, then to thoughts
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation
2020-11-02 09 talk: mindfulness of mind 22:59
An introduction to bringing mindfulness to different types of mental activity, including thoughts, emotions, moods, and mind-states
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation
2020-10-28 no excuses: 15 minute mindfulness meditation 14:58
Just 15 minutes to steady awareness with the body and breathing, as a support for steadying the mind and practising non-reactivity to thinking
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation
2020-10-28 no excuses: 10 minute mindfulness meditation 10:07
Just ten minutes to strengthen mindfulness of the body sitting, as a support for mindfulness of breathing
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation
2020-10-28 no excuses: 5 minute mindfulness meditation 5:10
Just five minutes to prractice mindfulness of the body, breathing
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation
2020-10-26 08 instructions and guided walking meditation 10:55
Short instructions and guided walking meditation, for the whole group walking in a circle together
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation
2020-10-26 07 meditation: mindfulness of hearing 15:47
Practising mindfulness of sounds, settling back and receiving the experience of hearing (includes occasional bell sounds)
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation
2020-10-26 06 talk: mindfulness recap and introduction to mindfulness of hearing 11:25
A recap of mindfulness of the body, plus an introduction to practising different modes of mindfulness; exploring mindfulness of hearing as a way to cultivate relaxed receptivity
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation
2020-10-25 10 meditation: making space for equanimity to arise 15:15
A short meditation orienting to the elements of earth and space, as support for equanimity
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivating resilience in challenging times: Learning from the "heavenly messengers"
2020-10-22 talk: vedana or feeling-tone 29:03
Feeling-tone as the building block of reactivity, and how learning to relate skilfully to feeling-tones reduces suffering
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

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