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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Kirsten Kratz's Dharma Talks
Kirsten Kratz
Kirsten Kratz has practiced Buddhist meditation in Asia and the West since 1993. She started teaching in 2006 and since 2015 she has been ‘teacher in residence’ supporting those on personal retreat at Gaia House. Her love and understanding of Dharma has been strongly influenced by, among others, the teachings of her friend and teacher colleague, Rob Burbea. One of her particular passions is exploring how wisdom teachings can foster appropriate responses to the challenges of our time, and Kirsten sees her involvement in activism as an important expression of her practice. Kirsten is co-initiator of the “Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement” (DANCE) and supporting teacher of Freely Given Retreats.
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2022-04-07 Dharma Talk : "From Either-Or" to "Neither-Nor" 49:16
The teachings on the Middle Way, in their different expression, all point to a dynamic, responsive balance that aims to avoid skewing to any side of a perceived polarity. They do not imply a "being stuck in the middle", nor do they promise that we can eventually find a place to land, settle and discover freedom in taking a side in any duality. The teachings on the Middle Way keep us on our feet, questioning, opening, refining. They reveal and offer the liberating perception of "Neither-Nor".
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites
2022-04-07 Guided Meditation: No Preference 43:24
A guided meditation inviting us to be wth our experience without aversion or clinging, staying open to whatever is arsing in our awareness. Acknowledging that at times we identify and then soldify and even calcify around a position or way of seeing, we explore if it is possible to engage and take a clear ethical stance, without falling into the trap of extreme polarisation. Attending to experience in this way can potentially soften, calm, and mute our habitual reactions.
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites
2022-04-06 Instructions & Guided Meditation: Softening Contraction - Bridging the Gap 54:58
Paying attention we will recognise how irritation, fear, anger etc lead to contraction that will feed and strengthen the perception of polarities and "either-or". Can we see this is happening, without judgement? Can we open and soften to this with kindness, curiosity, humour and a spacious attitude, thus diminishing the creation of dualities?
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites
2022-04-05 Dharma Talk 46:59
The Fabrication of Dualities
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites
2022-02-09 Week 5 - Exploring Equanimity 1:15:34
Dharma Talk, Guided Meditation, Closing of the Retreat
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)
2022-02-02 Week 4 - Guided Meditation 47:14
Aspects of Mudita
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)
2022-02-02 Week4 - Exploring Appreciative Joy - Mudita 1:35:41
Instructions and Meditation
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)
2022-02-02 Week 4 - Three Versions of the Compassion Mantra 19:49
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)
2022-01-28 Week 3 - Guided Meditation 42:49
Breathing w Compassionate Presence
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)
2022-01-28 Week 3 - Guided Meditation 40:15
Holding Self & Other in Compassion
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

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