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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-12-08 The Wise Heart 46:15
Tempel Smith
There is no greater gift then a heart that has been set free of its patterns that cause suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Weekend Retreat

2012-12-08 The Capacity to Be with What Is 42:48
Alan Lewis
The practice of being present can deepen our capacity for compassion - even in life and death situations.
Gaia House Who Do You Think You Are?

2012-12-07 Opening Talk - The Fickle Mind 41:32
Alan Lewis
All of the different voices of 'self' that appear and disappear - which one of them is the real "me"?
Gaia House Who Do You Think You Are?

2012-12-06 Darkness Calls. 56:57
Betsy Rose
Songs and reflections for the season of letting go.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2012-12-05 A Forgiving Heart - Embracing our Inner Life 1:15:43
Tara Brach
Self-aggression, whether it's low key blame or deep condemnation, prevents us from intimacy with others and discovering the truth and wholeness of our Being. This talk explores how we can release self-blame, and free ourselves to access our natural warmth and creativity in responding to our world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2012-12-05 The Noble Eightfold Path to Freedom - Talk 3 of 3 1:33:13
Gina Sharpe
The Fourth Noble Truth expounded by the Buddha is that there is a Path to Freedom, to Liberation, to the sure heart’s release. He said that freedom is possible, and that if it were not possible, he would not ask us to walk the path to it. How can we use all of our life, its 10,000 joys and its 10,000 sorrows, as the ground of liberation, of freedom? By understanding the three pronged path of Meditation, of living a life of Integrity, and of developing Wisdom and putting our understanding into action, liberation is not a distant goal, but a present moment experience. Through practice, reflection and inquiry, we will deepen our understanding of the Path, its obstacles and its realization.
New York Insight Meditation Center The Noble Eightfold Path
In collection: The Noble Eightfold Path to Freedom - Talk 1 of 3

2012-12-05 Crossing the Flood 58:06
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2012-12-05 Foundations of Mindfulness VI: The Third Foundation II 58:36
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore mindfulness of thoughts and emotions, including the three sets of instructions in the text, and mindfulness of difficult thoughts and emotions (and what to do when mindfulness is very hard or impossible).
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-12-05 Stories From Emptiness 1:12:19
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: a Meditation and Study Retreat

2012-12-04 Prémière caractérisque libératrice 57:31
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

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